About us

We are a liberal political youth organisation that works for everyone’s equal opportunities in life. We are the youth organisation of The Swedish People’s party of Finland.
The Swedish Youth of Finland is led by a board of elected representatives and has eight employees. We are most active in Swedish-speaking Finland – but present and influential throughout all of Finland. As a member, the easiest way to be active is to join a regional group or a committee. We run candidates in elections and actively influence politics in municipalities, the wellbeing services counties and through our parent party. Our highest decision-making body is the annual Congress, which is organised every spring – all members are welcome.

The organisation

We are a social liberal organisation and our approximately 2600 members are between 14 and 30 years old. The Swedish Youth of Finland is governed by a president, two vice presidents and five board members.

SU and SFP

The Swedish Youth of Finland (SU) is the youth organisation of the Swedish People’s Party (SFP).
We influence SFP from within but pursue an independent policy and have our own activities. Our president is a member of the SFP’s party board and thus brings SU’s views to the party. We actively influence at SFP Party Congress and through the SFP Party Council.


SU also has five working committees for different political themes: the Committee of Equality, the Economic and Labour Market Committee, the International Committee, the Environmental Politics Committee and the Liberal Students Committee. The committees take stand on issues and develop our politics in their own political area. All members can join a committee. The application can be found here!


Our organisation is divided into four geographical districts: Southwest Finland, Helsinki and the yhteispiiri (every part of Finland that isn’t part of any other district), Uusimaa and Ostrobothnia. The districts have an impact at local level and are governed by their own regional groups composed of boards and presidents. The regional groups also have local branches in certain locations. Contact us if you want more information about these.


Our activities are divided into regional groups – which group you belong to depends on where you live. The regions have their own boards and can independently take a stand on issues and organise events.

By joining a regional board, you can influence local issues with other young people with liberal values. The boards are elected every autumn, but if you want to know more about what is happening in your area, you can follow the regions on Instagram or contact the region’s political officer.

Helsinki and yhteispiiri

The Swedish Youth in Helsinki and yhteispiiri is responsible for the organisation’s coverage of the capital and the language islands. It takes stand on issues such as public transport, environmental politics, urban development and community planning.

It organises various opportunities for discussions, pizza evenings, events and regularly meets with the SFP’s council group in Helsinki.




The Swedish Youth in Uusimaa works for issues that are relevant in the district that stretches from Hanko in the west to Loviisa in the east. The Uusimaa district works for a region that combines the urban lifestyle with a vibrant countryside and archipelago and where services are close by.

It organises various training courses, seminars and other events. The Swedish Youth in Uusimaa works closely with SFP in various locations in Uusimaa.



Southwest Finland

The Swedish Youth in Southwest Finland brings together young people and students interested in societal issues – both in the archipelago and in Turku. The organisation works for a vibrant archipelago, a wide range of educational opportunities and especially takes stand on issues concerning students.

The regional group organises various study visits and training courses, café events and meetings with politicians. The region has an office in Turku.



The Swedish Youth in Ostrobothnia is our largest region with more than a thousand members. The regional group monitors current politics in the region and takes issues affecting young Ostrobothnians and cooperates closely with our parent party. It organises seminars and study visits and participates in Pampas Nationaldag and other events for students. It has a local branch in Vaasa, for example, and is active in both northern and southern Ostrobothnia. The region has an office in Vaasa.



The Swedish Youth’s activities are also organised in committees. The committees are working groups for different political themes and members from all over the country can participate in them.

You can register your interest in joining a committee whenever you want. By joining a committee, you can directly participate in shaping the organisation’s activities and politics, while getting to know and cooperate with people interested in the same political issues as you. Being part of a committee is fun, educational and a great opportunity to highlight the issues you think are important.


Economic and Labour Market Committee

The Economic and Labour Market Committee discusses issues related to jobs, the economy and the labour market. If you want to drive responsible and future-oriented economic politics together with other young people, EPU is the perfect committee for you.

Contact information:

Committee president: victor.dahlberg@su.fi



Committee of Equality

The Committee of Equality (JämU) monitors issues relating to the equal rights of all genders. Among other things, the committee works for an equal labour market and equal pay, the rights of gender minorities and gender equality in politics. If you want to work for gender equality issues, this committee is for you.

Contact information:

Committee president: patricia.gronholm@su.fi



International Committee

The members of the International Committee (IU) represent The Swedish Youth abroad at various events organised by our umbrella and friend organisations. The IU takes a stand on international issues and particularly monitors the organisation’s policies on peace, human rights and international cooperation.

Contact information:

Committee president: ben.jokinen@su.fi



Environmental Politics Committee

MIPU Develops the organisation’s climate and environmental politics and campaigns on various topics relevant to the climate, such as green energy. The committee also actively influences SFP’s climate policy, for example at SFP’s annual Congress.

Contact information:

Committee president: edvard.lindfors@su.fi



Liberal Students

The committee monitors the position of students and promotes the perspectives of higher education students within the union and the party. In LSK, you can meet other students from all over the country who are interested in society and learn more about higher education politics.

Contact information:

Committee president: ida.sloor@su.fi


Welcome to an SU committee!

Do you want to join a committee and help influence the union’s policies?

The board appoints members throughout the operational year. Are you interested in staying involved in politics? Send in your application!

Monthly board meetings

Every month, our board and the presidents of the regional groups and committees gather for a weekend meeting. At these meetings, the participants discuss politics in Finland and shape SU’s advocacy work. Members of Parliament also often visit the meetings! If you would like to meet us, you can register your interest in attending a meeting with the president of the organisation, Dan Cederlöf.


044 283 1617

The Annual Congress

The Congress is The Swedish Youth of Finland’s annual meeting and our highest decision-making body. The Congress is organised every year and members from all over the country gather for a weekend to mingle, shape our politics and elect the organisation’s board and president and have a supper together. International guests are also invited to the Congress. The Congress is perhaps the most fun way to get involved if you are new to the organisation!


The Swedish Youth of Finland also have other annual projects, such as Politikerskolan where teens have a chance to learn more about society and politics through field trips and workshops. SU also cooperates with Finlands Svenska Skolungdomsförbund (FSS) on a debate forum that arranges debates.

If you have any questions, feel free to contact us and we will happily help.

Debattforum och debattävling

Svensk Ungdom och Finlands svenska skolungdomsförbund FSS gemensamma projektet Debattprojektet består av debattävlingar och debattforum. Debattforum är workshops som skolor kan beställa till en klass eller grupp. Debattävling ordnas mellan gymnasieskolor i Svenskfinland. Du kan läsa mer om Debattprojektet på FSS hemsidor.

Frågor & Svar

Svensk Ungdom (SU) är en politisk ungdomsorganisation i Finland med cirka 3000 medlemmar. Förbundet arbetar för liberala värderingar, jämlikhet och flerspråkighet. The Swedish Youth of Finland is the youth organisation of The Swedish People’s party of Finland.

Du kan gå med i SU genom att skriva in dig här (länk). Om du vill bli aktiv kan du gå med i en krets eller i en av våra arbetsgrupper eller genom att komma på kongressen. Om du har frågor kan du ta kontakt med personalen.

Du kan skriva in dig via vårt medlemsformulär. Som medlem får du delta på evenemang och påverka förbundets politik.

SU har tre kanslier: I Helsingfors, i Vasa och i Åbo. SU är mest aktivt i Svenskfinland och i språköarna. Som medlem hör du till antingen Egentliga Finland, Helsingfors och samkretsen, Nyland, eller Österbottens krets. Till Helsingfors krets hör också samkretsen, alltså språköarna och övriga orter där finskan är majoritetsspråk.

Kongressen är SU:s årsmöte och förbundets högsta beslutsfattande organ. Kongressen ordnar varje år och då samlas SU-medlemmar från hela landet för ett veckoslut för att mingla, rösta om vår politik och äta supémiddag tillsammans. I år ordnas kongressen i maj.

Dan Cederlöf är Svensk Ungdoms ordförande. Han leder SU:s förbundsstyrelse och representerar SU i SFP:s partistyrelse.

Du når SU lättast genom att maila eller Whatsappa personalen eller genom att ta kontakt på vår Instagram. Om du inte vet vem en fråga berör kan du maila info@su.fi

Svensk Ungdom arbetar bland annat för ett höjt studiestöd, för sänkt rösträttsålder, för det svenska språket, för sänkt skatt på arbete och för att istället utsläpp ska beskattas.

SU är en liberal organisation och jobbar för ett samhälle där alla får välja sitt eget liv. SU arbetar för ett samhälle där alla får det stöd de behöver och där minoriteters rättigheter tryggas. SU jobbar också för att uppmuntra företagsamhet och för att du ska få vård oberoende var du bor i landet.

Politikerskolan är en kurs riktad till andra stadiets studerande som ordnas varje år. I den samlas ungefär samhällsintresserade 15-29 åringar som vill lära sig mer om hur politiken fungerar. Politikerskolan inkluderar bland annat ambassadbesök, workshops och föreläsningar. Ansökan öppnar årligen i slutet av sommaren.