Motionstext: Whereas The territory of Western Sahara has been under occupation by Morocco since 1975 The United Nations General Assembly already in 1960 declared that the people of Western Sahara have the right to self-determination. The International Court of Justice in 1975 ruled against Morocco’s territorial claim on Western Sahara. Western Sahara is formally recognised under the name of the Sahrawi Arab Democratic Republic by 85 states, but by no European state to date. Western Sahara is on the UN list of Non-Self Governing Territories and is considered Africa’s last colony.

Under the terms of the UN’s settlement plan in 1991, Western Sahara should decide its own future status in a referendum. Noting that attempts to hold a referendum on the future status of Western Sahara have repeatedly failed.  Human rights agencies and the UN Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights have reported grave and systematic violations of human rights in the occupied territories. The people living in the occupied territories are subject to severe restrictions on their freedom of speech, assembly and movement. Human rights activists and pro-independence journalists and editors have been put behind bars.

The Baker Peace Plan – calling for the establishment of a Western Sahara Authority, which would be followed after five years by a referendum – has been blocked by France in the UN Security Council.

Considering that the EU has signed agreements with Morocco that allow EU vessels to fish in territories that are legally under occupation. This constitutes a clear violation of international law and constitutes a de facto recognition of the Moroccan occupation of Western Sahara.

The US-Morocco free-trade agreement does not extend to products from the occupied territories of Western Sahara. The cease fire from 1991 was declared over and the armed conflict continued in 2020.

Therefore the International Committee of Swedish Youth urges the Congress to adopt this motion and:

  • Formally recognise the Sahrawi Arab Democratic Republic as an independent state.
  • Exclude from all trade agreements with Morocco products originating from the occupied territories of Western Sahara.
  • Put pressure on Morocco to respect the human rights of all Sahrawis and to release all prisoners of conscience.

Förbundsstyrelsens svar

The case of Western Sahara is important to The Swedish Youth of Finland and the board generally agrees with the sentiment of the motion with certain reservations. Firstly, the board thinks the motion lacks any details regarding Spain’s role in relation to Western Sahara. Historically, there has been a dispute between Morocco and Spain regarding Western Sahara, where both Morocco and Spain have particular and active interests in control of the territory. Due to the fact that Spain’s role is not highlighted in this matter, the board recommends the removal of the two last operative clauses and only keep the first clause about recognising Sahrawi Arab Democratic Republic as an independent state. It is in line with The Swedish Youth of Finland’s position that states that are oppressed have the right to declare independence and should be supported in this matter.

Därför anser förbundsstyrelsen att Svensk Ungdom ska arbeta för:

  • Formally recognise the Sahrawi Arab Democratic Republic as an independent state.

Utskottets förslag:

  • Formally recognise the Sahrawi Arab Democratic Republic as an independent state.

Kongressens beslut:

  • Formally recognise the Sahrawi Arab Democratic Republic as an independent state.